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Author: Tianle Yuan

Pointer and Reference⚓︎

This material is focusing on describing the difference when passing parameters

Definition difference⚓︎

Definition diff?
  • A pointer is a variable, except that the variable stores an address that points to a storage unit in memory.
  • A reference is essentially the same thing as the original variable, just an alias for the original variable
  • The value of the pointer is changeable after initialization
  • A reference can only be initialized once in a definition. Then it cannot be changed.
  • Const pointer: int* const a
  • No const reference: no int& const a
  • We can have a const referred value: const int& a
  • Pointer's value can be NULL.
  • Reference's value cannot be NULL. References must be initialized when they are defined
  • Pointer: the size of pointer.
  • Reference': the size of referred variable.
int a[2] = {0,10}
int *pa =apa++   //now pa == a[1] == 10;
int &pa =apa++   //now pa == a[0] == 1;
  • Pointer is not type safe
  • Reference is type safe since it has type checking
  • Pointer can have several layers such as int** p
  • Reference can not have several layer such as int&& p

Parameter passing diff⚓︎

Pass by value⚓︎

What is pass by value?
  • When calling function passes parameter in called function, stack will open up a new space for storing a memory copy of the value of actual parameter from the calling function.

  • Any operation in the called function on a formal parameter is performed as a local variable since you are using the copied value. It does not affect the value of the actual parameter of the main calling function.

using namespace std;

void Rfun(int p) // Called function: copy the value from "a"
    cout<<"local p's address:"<<&p<<endl;         //0x6ffdf0
    cout<<"local p's value:"<<p<<endl;            //16

int main()
    int a=0x10;
    cout<<"a's address:"<<&a<<endl;               //0x6ffe1c
    cout<<"a's value:"<<a<<endl;                  //16
    Rfun(a);     // Calling function: passing a's value
    cout<<"a's now address:"<<a<<endl;            //16

a's address:0x7ffd8a777d04
a's value:16
local p's address:0x7ffd8a777cec
local p's value:16
a's now address:16

picture 3

Pointer passing⚓︎

Pointer passing

Pointer parameter passing is essentially Pass by value. It passes an address as value.

using namespace std;

void Pfun(int* p) // Called function: copy the address value from "a"
    //new address for storing address value passed by "a"
    cout<<"local p's address:"<<&p<<endl;         //0x6ffdf0
    cout<<"local p's value:"<<p<<endl;            //0x6ffe1c

    //test if p points to a's value
    cout<<"local p's pointing value:"<<*p<<endl;  //16

    //test if p will affect "a"'s address value
    cout<<"local p's updated value:"<<p<<endl;    //0x6ffe1d

int main() 
    int a=0x10;
    cout<<"a's address:"<<&a<<endl;               //0X6ffe1c
    cout<<"a's value:"<<a<<endl;                  //16
    Pfun(&a);   // Calling function: passing a's address
    cout<<"a's now address:"<<&a<<endl;           //0X6ffe1c
    cout<<"a's now value:"<<a<<endl;              //255

a's address:0x7ffd233a9854
a's value:16
local p's address:0x7ffd233a9838
local p's value:0x7ffd233a9854
local p's pointing value:16
local p's updated value:0x7ffd233a9858
a's now address:0x7ffd233a9854
a's now value:255

picture 1

Reference passing⚓︎

Reference passing
  • When calling function passes parameter in called function, stack will open up a new space for storing a memory copy of the address of actual parameter from the calling function.

  • Any operation in the called function on a formal parameter will affect the value of the actual parameter since you are tracking and editing the content in the same address.

using namespace std;

void Rfun(int &p)
    cout<<"local p's address:"<<&p<<endl;         //0x6ffdf0
    cout<<"local p's value:"<<p<<endl;            //16

int main()
    int a=0x10;
    cout<<"a's address:"<<&a<<endl;               //0x6ffe1c
    cout<<"a's value:"<<a<<endl;                  //16
    cout<<"a's now address:"<<a<<endl;            //255

a's address:0x7ffebbcabd44
a's value:16
local p's address:0x7ffebbcabd44
local p's value:16
a's now address:255

picture 2


Picture source 1

Last update: February 28, 2023 04:07:20
Created: February 28, 2023 04:07:20
