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Author: Tianle Yuan

Serverless Application⚓︎

Serverless Services⚓︎

What are serverless technologies?

Definition: AWS offers Serverless technologies for running code, managing data, and integrating applications, all without managing servers.

Serverless technologies feature (Iff conditions):

  • no server management
  • automatic scaling
  • built-in high availability
  • pay-for-use billing model (to increase agility and optimize costs)

Also, Serverless <=> Fully Managed.

What should I do with serverless services?
  • All you have to do is: start using the service and writing code that serves your customers.

  • You really don't have to: manage anything underneath the platform at all (e.g. you don't need to manage EC2 instances, and you don't have to install patches, do provisioning or update software).

Who are AWS serverless services?

Remember the architecture in Application 1: a Decrypter service? According to that implementation pipeline, we classify the serverless services into three classes:

I. Data store:

  • AWS S3, Amazon Simple Storage Service, a serverless, fully elastic file system for builders that makes it easy to set up, scale, and cost-optimize highly available shared storage. (S3 is not a database, S3 is object storage—it stores files. (It does not block storage though, so not quite that low level.) So in a sense, it’s a “lightweight database” the way Docker is a “lightweight virtual machine”.)

  • AWS DynamoDB, a key-value and document database service, delivering single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.

  • AWS RDS proxy, a managed database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) that makes applications more scalable and secure.

II. Compute:

  • AWS Lambda, allows you to run your code as compute functions.

  • AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine that works with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

III. Application integration:

  • AWS API Gateway, a fully-managed service that allows you to be able to connect to an application via REST API or HTTP API.

  • AWS SQS, Amazon Simple Queue Service is a message queuing service enabling you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

  • AWS SNS, Amazon Simple Notification Service is a fully managed messaging service for both application-to-application (A2A) and application-to-person (A2P) communication.

For more, check Serverless on AWS.

An example of using Serverless Services⚓︎

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