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Author: Tianle Yuan

auto & decltype⚓︎

auto type⚓︎

auto type can help the compiler to derivate the type of a variable from the right side of = when it is in the compiling stage.

auto m_int = 10; // since 10 is int type, the type of `m_int` has been automatially derivated as `int`

decltype(exp) type⚓︎

decltype(exp) can be understood as: "declare type" from expression. decltype can derivate the type of the variable from the expression exp. It does not care about what is showing on the right side of =.

int m_variable = 0;
decltype(m_variable) m_test1 = 1;  //`m_test1` has been derivated to `int`
decltype(10.8) m_test2 = 5.5;      //`m_test2` has been derivated to `double`
decltype(m_test2 + 100) m_test3;   //`m_test3` has been derivated to `double`
Watch out!
  • auto requires the initialization of the variable. decltype do not.

  • decltype can process any complex expression. But! the result of the exp should not be void.

decltype(exp) type [advance]⚓︎

Before we go in advance, let's figure out lvalue and rvalue:

\[lvalue = rvalue\]
  • lvalue: data that persists after the expression is executed, that is, persistent data. We can retrieve the data by referring to its address.
  • rvalue: data that no longer exists at the end of the expression execution, that is, temporary data.
Three principles for compiler processing the decltype(exp):
  1. If exp is any of the cases below, the type of decltype(exp) is the same as exp.
    • an expression not surrounded by parentheses ();
    • an expression to access a class member;
    • a single variable.
  2. If exp is any of the cases below, the type of decltype(exp) is the same as exp's reference (i.e if T exp, then T& decltype(exp)).
    • an lvalue;
    • an expression surrounded by parentheses ().
  3. If exp is a function call, then the type of decltype(exp) is the same as the type of the value returned by the function.
Case 1
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student{
    static int m_ID;
    string m_name;

int Student::m_ID = 0;

int  main(){
    Student Daming;
    int n_int = 0;
    const int &n_refint = n_int;

    decltype(n_int) test1 = n_int;             //`n_int` is of type `int`, and `test1` is derived as type `int`
    decltype(n_refint) test2 = test1;          //`n_refint` is of type `const int&`, and `test2` is derived as type `const int&`
    decltype(Student::m_ID) test3 = 0;         //`total` is a member variable of type `int` of class `Student`, and `test3` is derived from typing `int`
    decltype(Daming.m_name) test4 = "Daming";  //`total` is a string member variable of class `Student`, and `test4` is derived as a `string`
    return 0;
Case 2
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int  main(){
    int& func_int_r(int, char);  //the type of return is: int&
    int&& func_int_rr(void);     //the type of return is: int&&
    int func_int(double);        //the type of return is: int
    const int& fun_cint_r(int, int, int);  //the type of return is: const int&
    const int&& func_cint_rr(void);        //the type of return is: const int&&

    int n = 100;
    decltype(func_int_r(100, 'A')) a = n;  //a's type is `int&`
    decltype(func_int_rr()) b = 0;         //b's type `int&&`
    decltype(func_int(10.5)) c = 0;        //c's type `int`
    decltype(fun_cint_r(1,2,3))  x = n;    //x's type const `int&`
    decltype(func_cint_rr()) y = 0;        //y's type const `int&&`   
Case 3
using namespace std;

class Base{
    int m_x;

int main(){
    const Base obj;

    decltype(obj.m_x) a = 0;    //`obj.m_x` is an access expression for a class member, which follows principle 1. The type of `a` is `int`
    decltype((obj.m_x)) b = a;  //`obj.m_x` includes `()`, which follows principle 3. The type of `b` is `int&`

    int n = 0, m = 0;
    decltype(n + m) c = 0;      //`n+m` get a rvalue, which follows principle 1, thus type is `int`
    decltype(n = n + m) d = c;  //`n=n+m` get a lvalue, , which follows principle 3, thus type is `int&`
    return 0;

