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Author: Tianle Yuan

Smart Pointer⚓︎

Smart pointer⚓︎

Smart pointer were first popularized during the first half of the 1990s. However, it has been refined by C++ 11. Let's learn this modern C++ feature!


  1. Prevent memory leak. It provides Garbage Collection Mechanisms when we forget to release the mm space.
  2. Smart pointer is a class. When the class object is out of scope, the class automatically calls the destructor, which automatically frees the resource.


How? (click to unfold)

A smart pointer is a class template that you declare on the stack, and initialize by using a raw pointer that points to its heap-allocated object.

After the smart pointer is initialized, it owns the raw pointer. This means that the smart pointer is responsible for deleting the memory that the raw pointer specifies.

The smart pointer destructor contains the call to delete, and because the smart pointer is declared on the stack, its destructor is invoked when the smart pointer goes out of scope, even if an exception is thrown somewhere further up the stack.

Compare with pointer⚓︎

void UseRawPointer()
    // Using a raw pointer -- not recommended.
    Song* pSong = new Song(L"Nothing on You", L"Bruno Mars"); 

    // Use pSong...

    // Don't forget to delete!
    delete pSong;   

void UseSmartPointer()
    // Declare a smart pointer on stack and pass it the raw pointer.
    unique_ptr<Song> song2(new Song(L"Nothing on You", L"Bruno Mars"));

    // Use song2...
    wstring s = song2->duration_;

} // song2 is deleted automatically here.



Use #include <memory>.

// T is the template parameter
T* get();                      // Get the auto_ptr's native pointer encapsulated inside.
T& operator*();                // "operator x ()" overloads x
T* operator->();               
T& operator=(const T& val);    
T* release();                  // Set auto_ptr's inside pointer to nullptr,
                               //which will not effect resource it pointed

void reset (T* ptr = nullptr); // Directly free the memory pointed to by the 
                               //encapsulated internal pointer, default set nullptr

C++11 has already discarded original C++98 smart pointer auto_ptr introducing authority.

There are three types of smart pointers:

  1. unique_ptr (substitude auto_ptr)
  2. shared_ptr (strong ref)
  3. weak_ptr (weak ref)



unique_ptr stores one pointer only. Only one smart pointer can point to the object at a time.

  • To change the object resource control, we remove the current unique_ptr P1 and assign a new unique_ptr P2 so the pointer now points to P2.

picture 1

Demo code
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#include <memory>

class Rectangle {
    int length;
    int breadth;

    Rectangle(int l, int b){
        length = l;
        breadth = b;

    int area(){
        return length * breadth;

int main(){

    unique_ptr<Rectangle> P1(new Rectangle(10, 5));
    assert(P1->area()==50); // This'll print 50

    // unique_ptr<Rectangle> P2(P1); -- Illegal
    unique_ptr<Rectangle> P2;
    // P2 = P1 -- Illegal
    P2 = move(P1);
    assert(P2->area()==50);// This'll print 50

    // This'll give an error,
    return 0;



By using shared_ptr, more than one pointer can point to this one object at a time.

  • We can use the member function use_count() of the shared_ptr object to check how many "referencers" (pointer objects) are referring to the same object resource.

    • use_count.cpp
      #include <iostream>
      #include <cassert>
      #include <memory>
      int main() {
          std::shared_ptr<int> sp1 = std::make_shared<int>(42);
          std::shared_ptr<int> sp2 = sp1;
          std::shared_ptr<int> sp3 = sp1;
          assert(sp1.use_count() == 3);
          assert(sp2.use_count() == 3);
          assert(sp3.use_count() == 3);
          return 0;
  • shared_ptr can call function release() to give up ownership of the resource. The object resource counter will be minus one.

  • The referred object resources will be destroyed when the last reference has been deleted (i.e. Ptr.use_count() == 0).

picture 2

Demo code
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#include <memory>

class Rectangle {
    int length;
    int breadth;

    Rectangle(int l, int b)
        length = l;
        breadth = b;

    int area()
        return length * breadth;

int main()

    shared_ptr<Rectangle> P1(new Rectangle(10, 5));
    // This'll print 50

    shared_ptr<Rectangle> P2;
    P2 = P1;

    // This'll print 50

    // This'll now not give an error,

    // This'll also print 50 now
    // This'll print 2 as Reference Counter is 2
    return 0;



weak_ptr does not control the life cycle of an object.

  • It points to an object managed by shared_ptr.
  • It NOT maintains a Reference Counter (use_count()).
  • weak_ptr do not stronghold on the object. It is designed to assist shared_ptr to avoid Deadlock (when two shared_ptr refer each other):
    • BAD: shared_ptr1.use_count() = 1shared_ptr2.use_count() = 1
    • GOOD: shared_ptr.use_count() = 0weak_ptr

picture 3

