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Author: Tianle Yuan

** Desgin Patterns**⚓︎

Design pattern is a reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. It provides a general framework for solving a particular design problem, which can be adapted to suit the specific needs of a particular application.

Design patterns are typically classified into three categories:

The relationship among them can be seen in picture below: picture 1

Creational patterns⚓︎

1.1 Singleton⚓︎

1.2 Factory Method⚓︎

1.3 Abstract Factory⚓︎

1.4 Builder⚓︎

1.5 Prototype⚓︎

Structural patterns⚓︎

2.1 Adapter⚓︎

2.2 Bridge⚓︎

2.3 Composite⚓︎

2.4 Decorator⚓︎

2.5 Facade⚓︎

2.6 Flyweight⚓︎

2.7 Proxy⚓︎

Behavioral patterns⚓︎

3.1 Chain of Responsibility⚓︎

3.2 Command⚓︎

3.3 Interpreter⚓︎

3.4 Iterator⚓︎

3.5 Mediator⚓︎

3.6 Memento⚓︎

3.7 Observer⚓︎

3.8 State⚓︎

3.9 Strategy⚓︎

3.10 Template Method⚓︎

3.11 Visitor⚓︎
