Unity Life Cycle⚓︎
Here is the official documentation for Unity Life Cycle:
Simplification of Unity Life Cycle
The Unity Life Cycle can be simplified as follows:
- Awake: Called when the script instance is being loaded.
- OnEnable: Called when the object becomes enabled and active.
- Start: Called on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods are called the first time.
- FixedUpdate: Called every fixed frame-rate frame.
- Update: Called every frame.
- LateUpdate: Called every frame after Update has finished.
- OnGUI: Called multiple times per frame.
- OnDisable: Called when the behaviour becomes disabled.
- OnDestroy: Called when the script instance is being destroyed.
vs Update
FixedUpdate: Use FixedUpdate when dealing with physics or other time-dependent operations. It does not depend on the frame rate.
Update: Use Update when dealing with input or non-physics frame updates. It will be called every frame.
Here is the example shows the difference between FixedUpdate
and Update
Original Video: